Perils of the Writer: Collision of Writing and Life

I’m quite fortunate, in that I don’t have a “traditional” day job, and can write “full time”, even though that’s not really the case.

It’s especially not the case in the summer, where my regular life switches up and gets very close to having a “day job”.  This is when my wife and I run a summer camp, so obviously that takes up a fair amount of my time for the next ten weeks.

AMurderofMagesHowever, right now the Writing Life is cooking along pretty fast as well.  I’ve got a fully stacked plate: final version of The Alchemy of Chaos is due at the top of July, and I’m working to finish the polished draft of An Import of Intrigue at the same time.  Plus A Murder of Mages comes out in less than a month– and I’ve got a few events scheduled for that– including a Twitter Chat on July 7th and a signing at Book People on July 9th.  I’ll also be at ApolloCon, the Writers’ League of Texas A&E Conference and ArmadilloCon, which I’m also running the Writers’ Workshop for.

Which is a lot to keep me busy, and running the camp as well.

What I’m saying is, come August, I’m probably going to need a very long nap.

But I’ll probably begin writing the books to follow up Alchemy and Import instead.