Fan groups, wikis and eligibility

So, a while back, I was chatting with an old friend who is far more business/marketing minded than I am capable of being, and he was talking about giving readers the opportunities tone more than fans, to “live” in Maradaine– in the sense that there is more for them to engage in beyond the books. Partly that’s encouraging things like fan art and fanfic (which: yes, especially fan art.) Partly that’s merchandise. But largely it’s about engagement and community.

I’m not entirely sure how to go about that, but I do know that some fans have been working on a Maradaine wiki, which is AMAZING. If you are interested in helping out with that project, I highly encourage it:

ALSO, since I’ve been asked, here’s are my eligible works for this year’s Hugo nominations, which are due on the 15th:

  • Best Novel: WAY OF THE SHIELD
  • Best Series: MARADAINE (the whole saga, not any of the individual series)
  • Best Related Work: #Belgariad Live Read

All right, back into the word mines for me. No use having fans if I’m not putting out the work, right? Right.