Working on a working space

I do most of my writing work on my laptop.  This is mostly out of practicality, in that I kind of need to be mobile and write when and where I get the chance.  Right now I’m in a bookstore, and once I finish this entry I’ll do a bit on Way of the Shield before I have to go again.  I do know that I’m fortunate in that I can work just about anywhere.  In my briefcase I can easily carry my laptop, power cord, memory stick, headphones and notebooks and pens.  Boom, instant workspace anywhere I need.

Heck, I wrote a sizable chunk of Maradaine Constabulary in the car driving out to West Texas. (I was in the passenger seat riding; I didn’t write and drive at the same time.) 

But getting really productive writing done takes getting into the mode, into the rhythm, and that is kind of challenging if one needs to move around. 

On the other hand, I have a desk with the desktop, and sometimes I find working there a bit stifling.  Possibly because it’s in our guest bedroom, so in some ways it feels like the space isn’t “mine”.

On top of that, I just received the poster-sized maps of Maradaine, Druthal and the whole world they are a part of.  They’re really pretty, if I do say so, though I recognize that I’m the only person dorkish enough to care about such a thing.  But part of my “workspace problem” is figuring out where I’m going to hand these things.

One side point: If you’re thinking about going to ArmadilloCon and haven’t firmly decided yet, the reduced convention rate for a hotel room expires on Thursday (August 4th) and 5PM Central Time.  You know it’ll be a lot of fun, and you want to go.  Yes, you.

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