Why You Aren’t Writing That Novel

OK, time for some hard truths.  You haven’t finished writing That Novel.  You’ve been talking about it for years, and you can visualize all the elements of it so easily.  You know it, back and forth, inside and out.  It’s there, waiting.

But you haven’t written it.

Why is that?

I could tell you it’s about discipline– and it is, no doubt.  It takes discipline, it takes putting your ass in the chair (or feet at the standing desk), and just plain doing the work.  It takes not going to that party, not binging that series, not spending yet another night refreshing Facebook every twenty minutes.  It takes just digging in and getting it done.

But most of you don’t want to do that.

Here’s the ugly truth, dear reader, and look deep inside yourself and ask yourself if this is why you haven’t written That Novel.

You don’t want to write a novel.  You want to have written it.

I get that.  I get wanting the glory of having it in your hands, being able to say, “Oh, I wrote a novel”, but not having to do to the unsexy, daily-grind part.  I’m in the process of drafting my tenth novel (thirteenth if you count the ones that are sitting fallow on  hard drive), and I always wish there was a way to fast-forward this phase of it.  At this point, I know what I’m doing in terms of writing a novel, but it’s still hard, grinding, go-down-to-the-word-mines work.

And you’re never going to write That Novel until you come to terms with that part of it, and get down to doing it.

So what are you waiting for?